Friday, June 3, 2011

Darksiders II: The Horsemen Cometh Again

So Game Informer has the scoop on the new Darksiders game as revealed on next months cover. But contrary to the above picture you won't be playing as War this time around. Which horseman will take center stage this time around?

Click the jump to find out who it is as well as the E3 trailer

  Death takes up the arms of being the main (anti?) hero of Darksiders II. Apparently he "rides to save his brother from oblivion." Of course that brother would be War from the first Darksiders so there's a good chance that part of this story runs parallel to the events of the first one.

Check out the trailer and decide for yourself.

I hope that they have some unlockable weapons in the game, like a pair of hockey sticks....

Casey Jones says: "I see what you did there."

1 comment:

  1. So excited for this game, the first one had a lot of promise and it delivered on most of it. My only complaint was that it didn't build on the story like it could have, hopefully they'll fix that with this one!
