Sunday, June 5, 2011

L.A. Noire: Send in Your Impressions!

So by now you guys have read J.P.'s and my own review of L.A. Noire. If not, click on Review and read them over.

So you guys know what we think about the game, but now I want to know what YOU think.

I will create a post on here featuring the best impressions you guys sent in so that all of you can read what others thought of the game.

If enough people send in a response, I could see us doing it for every review we do.

Details after the jump.

On our contacts page you will find the e-mail to contact me at. In order to get featured on the post, e-mail me and include "L.A. Noire Impressions" as the subject line. If you don't do that, automatically into the trash it will go.

Stuff to include in your email:

  • Subject line HAS to say: L.A. Noire Impressions
  • Your impression
  • A name to put to your impression. Can be your real name, online id like a gamertag, or just leave blank if you would rather remain anonymous. 

Here's an example:

The most fun I had with L.A. Noire was racking up the $47,000 dollars worth of fines.I know Cole is technically the LAPD's golden boy, but sometimes you feel like playing pedestrian bowling you know? Though I don't think I have ever destroyed that many cars in Grand Theft Auto!
- Salvador

1) Only send in impressions if you have actually played the game. It doesn't matter if you haven't finished the game or are only a little into it, send us your impressions.

2) Your impression can be good, bad, funny, how the game made you felt, your favorite part, or something you hated. It doesn't matter what it is about but it has to be quality. If I get stuff like "th3 gamez needed more teh lulz, r0flz." you can forget us ever doing this again if I have to sort through tons of crap to get something of quality.

3) Try to keep it short. Quality over quantity ladies and gentlemen. This isn't some school paper where I need X amount of words or pages. Just keep it simple and to the point.

And that's about it. Of course these are just some guidelines and the final say on what will be featured will be up to me.

You have till Friday (6/10 11:59 PM), and (hopefully) I should have the post up by Saturday. So you got plenty of time but don't put it off till the last second or your impression might end up being skipped over because it's not that good.

Other than that, good luck!

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