Friday, November 4, 2011

Final Fantasy V, VI, and Chrono Cross Hitting PSN

As if games like Skyrim, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, and Assassin's Creed: Revelations weren't enough to keep you busy for the rest of the year, Square has decided to tempt our digital wallets with the 'Winter of RPGs'.

Square is releasing three big name RPG's as PSOne Classics through the beginning of December: Chrono Cross, Final Fantasy V, and Final Fantasy VI.

And to think, I was happy with just Chrono Trigger.

Dates after the jump.

Chrono Cross: November 8th
Final Fantasy V: November 22nd
Final Fantasy VI: December 6th

If previous releases are an indicator, these should be priced at about $9.99 each.

So now the PSP is quite literally the system to own for RPG's. You have the Chrono series and you can play Final Fantasy I-IX (save III) on the system.

Now someone please give me Legend of Dragoon and I will be set!!!

Any reason to mention this game I will.

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